Living The Dream Part 2

Good points to remember.

Keep yourself encouraged. ‘Keep on keeping on’ don’t get sidetracked. Those things that seem so important are not really in the long run? Are they? You know the answer deep down, but when you refuse to admit it you are in real danger of wasting not only weeks, months, but years from completing your book. Is that what you really want?

Is what you are doing getting you closer or further away from your dream?

We all need a prod every now and then because what we are replacing our time with, in hindsight seems so ridiculous now!

AM Simpson

“The successful warrior is the average man, with lazer focus.” Bruce Lee.

It’s very difficult to stay motivated for authors if what they constantly look at has nothing to do with it. Are you checking out other writers blogs, reading, jotting down ideas, googling ways to inspire and improve yourself? Because what you put in front of your eyes has more of an influence on you that we would like to admit. That’s why advertising is so successful.

Joel Olsteen a famous author before he was published said he would place an opened book of his father’s on the hallway table where he had to walk by and see it every day, to remind himself that he could be a successful author. Distractions get in the away, even when you get up early.

Just as you go to work each day dedicate a time to write each day, it could…

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3 thoughts on “Living The Dream Part 2

    • It’s hard to stay focused I’m one of the worst, but it’s not impossible. I read a quote that the hardest thing for a writer is to write. “A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.” Thomas Mann. And I would add, but is absolutely necessary and utterly expedient that you do so. 🙂

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